Tuesday, June 10, 2014

What does a Teacher Do all Day

 For the summer we have a smaller class size I want to say around 12-15 kids per class room. Even with this smaller number in the classroom I can see development difference.

I have seen MS Beyal gather the students, explain the activity she would like them to do,  then explain it again maybe in a different way . For example, the out come we wanted was an art project based on what they would like to be when they grow up.

 Then she explained again, "Think of what you will be wearing. What job will you have? What items will you need for that job? Will you be short? Tall? Draw yourself as an adult and with enough detail that we can see what your future job is"  then with those that have blank eyes she will go to each table one by one and answer questions or clarify.

Usually there are a few still left with blank eyes. From there I watched her sit next to one of those blanked eye children and ask "what do you want to be when you grow up?' The answer "I don't know' from there she asked what the child likes to do when they have free time, video games was the answer. They then preceded to talk about what jobs could come from playing video games, graphic design, design  video game covers, electronics... the child piped up (No more blank eyes) and said, "How about a pilot? I know all of the controls and how to fly one"  From there, the child was able to work on his project. She did that for the other blank eye child in the class room.

What does a teacher do all day? She reads her classroom, She works with the different developmental differences and learning styles and tries to get each child to think for themselves.

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