Saturday, July 12, 2014

Blog #5- What do you think is the most important role a teacher plays?

We all know there are many different roles that teachers take on to be effective. But the more I think about it , I am positive that the most important role a teacher can play to someone who holds high expectations for themselves and the students.  Is there a one word for that role? High Expectation holder? (no) Motivator (Maybe). But it is more then just motivation, it  is keep themselves and the students accountable for there own learning. The idea of what you put in is what you get out. 

If the teacher keeps there standards high, then the best quality of teaching will be the outcome. Which would be the most nurturing, encouraging and enlightening environment that teacher can provide for there classroom. In turn, by keeping the exceptions high for the students they in turn will rise up to the bar.  There may be the argument that expectations that are high might be too hard, for certain students and/or crush self -esteem. I would rebuttal that a teacher that knows there students will know how much they can handle. With expecting more, I have seen students step up for the challenge. Or not see it as a challenge just something you DO in that classroom.

I had a teach in Junior High who would require us to take notes in a outline formations. For each chapter of our American History books. We outline each chapter subject,  each paragraph was summarized in our notes, We hated it, it was tedious, we complained but we DID IT. What was the result? EVERYONE in the class got B- or higher on the tests. Most of us got A's not because the test were easy but we because we had outlined all of the information and had lectures on the subject, the outlines were great for studying and we just had the knowledge to back up the questions. Even now in college if I am having a hard time memorizing or learning something in a subject I will start doing my outlines as taught in jr high. The high expectation stuck with me and I and many other rose to the occasion.   That is why Motivator just doesn't cut it but having High Expectations is the most important role to me. 

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